Rutgers Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences [Dept. of Animal Sciences]
Land Use Zoning Tutorial

Vehicle Miles Travelled

miles travelled
Vehicle miles travelled under each scenario.

Here we have modelled vehicle miles travelled under the two zoning scenarios.

Whats the difference?

Vehicle miles travelled is much greater under the traditional zoning buildout.

Why this difference?

Because of the distributed nature of residential, commercial, and industrial development under the traditional zoning, people have to travel more between home, shopping and work. The alternatie zoning puts the types of development close together, this allows for shorter commutes, and less vehicle miles travelled. It will also allow other forms of transportation that lower air pollution including bikes, footpaths, and buses.

What will it mean?

An increase in vehicle miles traveled increases the amount of air pollution through internal combustion engine emissions.

Let's continue on to the next impact, nitrogen. Next

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