Rutgers Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences [Dept. of Animal Sciences]
Land Use Zoning Tutorial



Lead under two scenarios.

Here we have modelled lead runoff under the two scenarios.

Whats the difference?

The amount of lead runoff (pounds per year) is three times greater under a traditional zoning buildout compared to the alternative zoning.

Why this difference?

Much of the lead in runoff is from car emissions. In the traditional zoning buildout the vehicle miles travelled is higher, and combined with greater impervious surface area, more lead is washed into water systems, and is in the air.

What will it mean?

Lead is a neurotoxic heavy metal that can bio-accumulate. Within the human body lead harms enzymatic mechanisms upsetting important chemical reactions. Lead primarily effects the brain, liver, and kidney. For more information visit this EPA site (

Let's look at a summary of all the impacts. Next...


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